
I was sick last week and came home from work early on Thursday. Friday morning I was feeling a little better, but since I'm losing my job anyway, I thought I might as well take another sick day.(I did still feel pretty bad though, No Really, I did). So I got up to take Haley to daycare Friday morning and left without giving the dogs a treat since I would be back quickly.

Apparently they didn't believe me when I said I'd be right back, because I walked in and Scooter was shaking and hiding in the corner and Cricket had something all over her mouth. I didn't see anything out of place until I got to my bedroom door and saw this: Then I saw the box and figured out what it was.Then I chased down the dogs and after a good scolding, I took their pictures. Does this guy look guilty or what?Cricket doesn't look so guilty, but the proof is written all over her hand paw. And you can see the stuff on her mouth that gave her away as soon as I got home. And, yes Cricket, as punishment I'm putting your gray hair on the internet so everyone can see how old you are getting.So, really dogs? I'm gone for 20 minutes and you found Haley's cereal so appealing you just lost control? I mean really? Does this even look remotely appetizing?And since I still love my wonderful dogs, here's a cute picture of my sweet Cricket and her teddy bear Henry, laying on Haley's blanket, about 2 hours after I washed it. Really Cricks? Really?


Jess said…
Awww, Cricket! She is a bad girl sometimes, but we still love her! And what does it mean that she has grey hair!?? WE'RE OLD!!!
Jill said…
No, we can't be old yet! She just ages in dog years, so even though she's grey, we are still spring chickens. Right???