One Month: Dec 18 - Jan 18

The rest of the first month is really kind of a blur. There was a lot of crying (by me and Haley!) and not much sleeping. During the day Haley slept pretty decently in her bassinet, but at night she just didn’t like it. She would nurse around 10-11 and then I’d put her in the bassinet and she’d wake up crying within 5-20 minutes. And it would take AT LEAST an hour to get her back to sleep. We didn’t want her in bed with us (Justin is a really heavy sleeper and both dogs sleep in the bed), so I started sleeping in the recliner with Haley in my lap with the boppy around her. Haley would actually sleep for 3-4 hours like this and I wasn’t scared that I would drop her if I drifted off while she was nursing. At Haley’s 1 month doctor appointment we found out that she wasn’t gaining weight and was actually still under her birth weight – she weighed 6 lbs 13 oz. and was in the 2% for both height and weight. She also got her first shot, but she was already crying so I couldn’t even tell when she got it!

Getting dressed by Daddy after a bath
Scooter sneaking a sniff while Haley's sleeping.

She's so tiny!

Nap time for everyone

Playing with Daddy

My favorite pouty face
