We went to see the Festival of Lights at Chehaw Friday night with the Hartzogs. This was their last weekend as a family of three. Baby Barrett will be born on Monday!
There was a drive-thru light display and then a train ride to see the lights all through the woods. Michael loved the train ride and was bouncing up and down the whole time.
Haley had a good time watching the lights and playing with Michael.
The lights were decent, but nothing compared to Riverbanks.
A rare shot of Michael with his hat and gloves on - they never stayed on for long - but I think he looks pretty stinking cute!
And a couple of fairly decent pictures with Santa. They wouldn't let us take our own pictures so these are scans of the ones we bought. Haley wouldn't smile so they had both kids look at Santa.
We also got one with both kids looking at the camera - not the best picture ever, but not too bad. At least I have one smiling baby!
