After spending a little time with Santa presents (and a lot of time getting dressed and ready) we headed over to Grandma's house. We got to see Grandma, Haley's Vicki, Elizabeth and even got to see Matthew later. Granddaddy and Alyson had to work, so we missed them. Michael was happy but still not feeling great.
Haley was really into opening presents this year and didn't mind opening all of Michael's for him either!
Grandma loved her yearly calendar and laughed at the sticker picture all over again.
Michael got lots of help figuring out how one of his toys worked.
And Daddy got lots of "help" putting together Haley's castle.
Haley loved the castle and spent a lot of time in there singing and playing guitar with her new Elmo.
She liked to keep an eye on us through the window though!
Michael really liked his basketball goal, and figured it out pretty quickly.
Vicki got to watch Elmo and Haley put on a show together.
While Michael refused to take a nap, no matter how much Grandma rocked him.
Matthew got there shortly before we left and got to see all the commotion and mess that comes with two young kids!
We had a great time as always at Grandma's and really enjoyed the time we got to spend with everyone, while greatly missing those that weren't with us this year.