Michael was covered with snot, slobber, and tears, and his shirt was all wet from where he puked up his dinner, but man that cold bottle felt good on his gums!
I guess he got his smile from his Daddy.
I'm sure Haley was giving Suebella instructions about something here.
Tara getting some Michael smiles.
Michael was very impressed with Suebella's pretty tree and tried to see if he could break anything.
After a wonderful appietizer spread we opened presents. Sue went in with Justin on my camera (which I greatly appreciate), and of course the kids got tons of stuff, including a doll that actually poops and pees for Haley.
Michael couldn't hold it together long enough for pictures in front of the tree.
So it was time for a breathing treatment, before we left for bed. (This is the 3rd year in a row that we've had to bring a nebulizer with us for Christmas!)
Haley's baby finally got enough to drink before we left though and she proceeded to chase Suebella around with a wet diaper!
We did greatly miss Arrie. She fell a couple days before Christmas and was in the hospital with a broken hip and pelvic bone, among other things.