I got a couple of free passes to the SWGA Exchange Club Fair, which we described to Haley as "the small fair". We went with the Hartzogs Friday night, so Lathan and Haley could ride the rides together.

Michael was once again a great baby. Even though he I squeezed a 3 month size hat onto his big ole noggin and covered him with my jacket, since I left his stuff in the car.

Lathan is typically very brave and outgoing, so he had no problem with any of the rides. Haley went right along with him and they would get off one ride and say, "I want to ride that" and point at the next one.

There were measured at just about every ride, but were both right about 36" each time. Haley didn't even flinch at going on the rides that go up in the air, even though I was a little nervous.

They even rode the roller coaster that some adults were riding. And they loved every second of it. I think if it wasn't my kid I would have been very judgemental about this one since you can't even see their heads from behind.

Michael was so unbelievably good...again. He did want to be held a couple of times, but I think he just thought he was missing out.

Haley and Lathan rode all the 36" rides and I couldn't believe how many there were.

Then Haley said "I want to spend some money on a game."

So she played this little ducky game and ended up $5 poorer, with an inflatable Dora wand.

Then we ended up our night with a funnel cake. It was actually a much better time than I expected. I was really impressed with how many kid rides there were and we got out before it got too crowded.

I couldn't believe they had a ride like this for kids, but Haley and Lathan didn't even think twice about riding it!