This is of course, Michael's first Halloween, and the first one that Haley has really been into. She helped me pass out candy last year while Daddy was hunting, but this year she was ready to get her own candy.

She wanted to be Minnie Mouse and I found a costume for 60% off, so she got her wish. Although she wanted me to be Mickey Mouse and Justin to be Donald Duck, which did not happen.

Michael was all smiles to pose in his recycled costumed. And you can barely see his two little pearly whites.

Haley loving her little brother.

Justin got Michael in bed and stayed home to pass out candy while Haley and I met up with Kim and Lathan to go trick or treating.

Kim is pretty pregnant and it was fairly cold, so she drove my car and I rode in the back with the kids. We went close to the end of several culdesacs and then we all walked up and down the street.

I think riding in the back of the car with the door open was one of the most fun things for the kids.

We stopped by and saw Mr. Nick and Mrs. Jane. This was our last culdesac, so after we finished we hung out with Nick in the car and let the kids have a piece of candy.

Then we took Lathan and Kim back up the hill to their house and we went home to show Daddy her candy.

Haley had a good time, but was kind of shy. She didn't say Trick or Treat until the very last house, but she did say thank you at all the houses, so that was good.

It was fun getting to celebrate with Haley now that she is getting into holidays a little more. I love my little Minnie Mouse with her dirty mouth and all!