Our Friday activity for this trip was the SC State Fair with Granny, David, and the Hollars. I wasn't sure how Haley would do with the rides, but with Anna and Daniel there they all did really well.
Waiting in line for the first time.
Waiting for the ride to start, after making a little girl move to a different car, because none of them wanted to sit with a "stranger."
Big smiles during the first ride!
Then Sara and I took the 3 big kids on the Ferris wheel. The kids enjoyed it, and I think Sara was the most nervous.
They also had fun looking over the side to find their Daddys and Granny - but I think that made the Daddys a little nervous.
Michael was perfectly happy chilling in the stroller taking in the sights. Eric and Daniel, Mom and Anna, and Haley and I all went down the super slide next. It was a pretty slow climb to the top with those little legs, but we all made it up there together.
I think Eric and Daniel had a head start and beat us, but the kids loved the big slide.
It was my first time hanging out in the kiddie section, and apparently they have different rules on these rides. Most of the kids have a parent walk in with them to put them in a seat and buckle them up. Then the fair guy will check all the seat belts and start the ride. Then when it stops parents go in again to release the kids.
On this ride our kids wanted to be in the firetruck and Haley and I were near the front of the line. So we headed straight for the firetruck and I put Haley in the front seat. Then a little girl beat Anna and Daniel there and tried to get in the seat with Haley. I kind of blocked her way and said that we had two more kids sitting there. The girl didn't seem to mind and got in the second row when Anna and Daniel got there.
Outside the fence we were waiting for the ride to start and apparently the girl's mom was standing behind us. She started talking very loudly about how rude some people were, because they blocked her daughter when she tried to get in the front row of the firetruck. So yes, I am that mom, and I don't really care!
It was getting close to meltdown time and we had just enough tickets for one more ride and the kids wanted to go down the big slide again. This time Granny and Anna barely won!
The kids loved all the rides though, and I was really surprised and proud of how well Haley did. And Michael was so easy and did great just being happy in his stroller.