One night, I said "Haley you need to lay down and go to sleep." And then she said, "I can't do it Mommy, I'm too busy."
She came out of her room around 4:45 one morning while Justin was getting ready for work.
Justin: You need to be a big girl and go back to bed.
Haley: I'm not a big girl.
Justin: Are you a little girl?
Haley: No, I'm not a little girl.
Justin: Then what are you?
after a short pause
Haley: I'm a boy.
The morning after a rather easy bedtime. I thanked Haley for staying in her bed all night and she said, "Well, thank you for not spanking my bottom again."
Justin and I were both in her room putting her to sleep one night, and she was taking forever to get her dolls where she wanted them. I said, "Come on Haley, I'm so tired." She replied, "I know you tired Mama, but I got to get my babies situated."