We have really been struggling with bedtime lately. Haley has decided she doesn't want to fall asleep by herself. We've tried changing routines, reading more stories, being nice, being stern, spanking, just about everything. Some nights she will get out of bed 7-8 times, and drag it out 2 hours until she finally goes to sleep. Then she is getting up in the middle of the night too. I try to be strong, but some nights I just put her in bed with us to try to get a little sleep. The past couple of nights haven't been too bad, so hopefully things will keep improving. These struggles have resulted in some funny conversations though.
One night, I said "Haley you need to lay down and go to sleep." And then she said, "I can't do it Mommy, I'm too busy."
She came out of her room around 4:45 one morning while Justin was getting ready for work.
Justin: You need to be a big girl and go back to bed.
Haley: I'm not a big girl.
Justin: Are you a little girl?
Haley: No, I'm not a little girl.
Justin: Then what are you?
after a short pause
Haley: I'm a boy.
The morning after a rather easy bedtime. I thanked Haley for staying in her bed all night and she said, "Well, thank you for not spanking my bottom again."
Justin and I were both in her room putting her to sleep one night, and she was taking forever to get her dolls where she wanted them. I said, "Come on Haley, I'm so tired." She replied, "I know you tired Mama, but I got to get my babies situated."
One night, I said "Haley you need to lay down and go to sleep." And then she said, "I can't do it Mommy, I'm too busy."
She came out of her room around 4:45 one morning while Justin was getting ready for work.
Justin: You need to be a big girl and go back to bed.
Haley: I'm not a big girl.
Justin: Are you a little girl?
Haley: No, I'm not a little girl.
Justin: Then what are you?
after a short pause
Haley: I'm a boy.
The morning after a rather easy bedtime. I thanked Haley for staying in her bed all night and she said, "Well, thank you for not spanking my bottom again."
Justin and I were both in her room putting her to sleep one night, and she was taking forever to get her dolls where she wanted them. I said, "Come on Haley, I'm so tired." She replied, "I know you tired Mama, but I got to get my babies situated."