I would probably say that Haley is officially potty trained now. She's been in big girl panties for 3 weeks now and has only had about 4 accidents. Two of those she was on her way to the potty, and just didn't make it in time.
We have been sticking pretty close to the house though, and her last accident was this weekend at Chehaw. I tried to get her to go potty with me when we got there, but she said the toilets were too big, and I didn't force the issue. Fast forward about 20 minutes, and we're changing wet clothes by the bobcat exhibit. She has used some public restrooms, I just don't think we're ready to spend all day running errands or anything yet.
And now to get to the title of this post, she's really good at going to the potty by herself at home. She was climbing onto the big potty by herself until she fell in recently, so she's started using a potty seat again. And now she has decided that she needs something to read while doing her business.
And yes, we are still working on the whole smile for the camera thing!