Michael turned 4 months old this week. In some ways I can't believe that he's already 4 months, but it also seems like he's been here forever. He is still such a sweet baby, he loves to smile, talk, and laugh. He loves to watch Haley, even though she can be pretty rough with him. He sleeps in his crib and is still getting up once a night to eat. He is wearing 3-6 month clothes, although his sleepers are all just about too short, so I need to get out the 6-9 month boxes this week.

He's started spending more time on the floor, in the bumbo, and just recently the excersaucer. He's very close to rolling over, but hasn't done it yet. Anything he can get his hands on goes straight to his mouth, and he has been drooling like a maniac the past few weeks. He had his 4 month check up and weighed 16 lbs 10 oz, measured 25.25" in length and had a head circumference of 17". He is starting to be more and more fun, and we are so grateful and blessed to have him in our lives.