We had another whirlwind trip to SC the last 10 days, but I hardly took any pictures at all. The kids and I went up Friday afternoon, and it was a very successful trip, for my first big solo voyage with two kids. Saturday I left the kids with Granny and spent the night with some of my college girlfriends. It was nice to have a kid free evening, but by Sunday afternoon I was ready to see my munchkins again. Sarah brought her baby Lily with her and she got to hang out with Michael for a little bit. Lily is 2.5 months older than him, but they are about the same size. Michael did have about a 3 lb head start on her by birth weight.
We took Haley, Michael, Lily, and Sara Grace Wilson (a friend's niece) to Edventure on Tuesday. It was the first time I'd ever been there and I thought it was pretty neat. Sara Grace dressed up in the fireman's outfit.
Haley was a little overwhelmed and looked nervous sitting in the fire truck.
Her favorite part though was sitting on tractor - which I think we have Grandaddy to thank for that!
I can't believe I didn't take any other pictures, but we spent some time with the Hollars, Pops, and my Grandma over the weekend. Then Monday and Tuesday we spent with my friends. Wednesday we were at Grandma's house and got to see Vicki and Elizabeth. Thursday Suebella took us to Chuck E. Cheese for the first time - and Haley did better than I thought she would. She was a little overwhelmed, but still played games and rode some rides. Friday we went down to Beaufort to spend the weekend with Daddy and Grandaddy. It was our last long trip for awhile - the kids did really well, but it is hard on Haley to get so off schedule. Most of her naps were in the car, which made for a tired little girl and a couple of epic meltdowns at bedtime. Michael did really well, and as long as he gets to eat and sleep when he wants he is such an easy baby.