Suebella, Tara and Arrie came down to Albany for the weekend. Since we are down to one guest room, they stayed at a hotel right down the road. Which meant we had access to the hotel pool!
It was the first time this summer that Haley's been in a real pool. She was a little nervous at first, but soon she started jumping in from the side, going under by herself, and blowing bubbles.

It was Michael's first time ever swimming, and he really liked it. He was kicking his legs and flapping his arms and smiling the whole time. Suebella really had a great idea to find a hotel with a nice pool.

We had a good time hanging out at the house too. Arrie was a little loud, and kept feeding the dogs, but after a cocktail she settled down quite a bit! Tara and Haley really had a good time playing together too.
And Saturday afternoon they watched the kids so Justin and I got to go to movie together! I can't remember how long it's been since that happened, and I only slept through 3-4 minutes of it.
Thanks so much for coming to see us, it was great getting to spend time with all of you!