I've been trying hard to get a picture of Michael grinning, but still haven't gotten a great shot.
He is 2.5 months old now and is such a sweet boy. He goes to bed between 7 and 8, and the past three nights has slept until 3:00. Then is up again at 6:30-7:00.
During the week he gets a little cranky at times, because it seems like I am always having to wake him up or put him in the carseat when he wants to lay down to take or get Haley from school.
He is usually pretty happy though, and he really likes to "talk" and grin after he eats. He also puts up really well with Haley.
She loves to get in his face and give him kisses or try to pick him up or take his blanket off to wake him up or to stuff his paci in his mouth when he keeps spitting it out, but he never seems to mind too much.
He sleeps in his crib for naps and for the first part of the night, and then goes into the bassinet by my bed. And most of the time he would rather lay down and fall asleep by himself rather than be held.
But of course, during the evenings, (when things get hectic with dinner, bath, and bed) he likes to be held and wants to eat a lot, which is such a convenient time!
At his two month appointment, he weighed in at 12 lbs, 7 ounces and was 23 inches long. I have just started pulling out the 3-6 month clothes, and he is wearing size 2 diapers. He probably gets about half breastmilk and half formula, which is working really well for all of us.
He is a very sensitive little boy. His shots seemed to bother him, more than they ever did with Haley. He also gets upset when she cries. One night she was throwing a fit about something and kept walking down the hall between her room and the living room. I was holding Michael in the living room, and every time she got to the doorway, he would stick out his lower lip and his chin starting quivering. Everytime he could hear her crying, he would start in on it too!
He is such a sweet little boy and I can't believe how fast he is growing. We love him so much and are so blessed to have such a happy, healthy child.
