During all our traveling and visiting in early April, with each new destination Haley would say we had to "see more peoples". Well, this weekend we went to Beaufort for the Air Show, and the peoples came to see us!
Grandma got in some good snuggle time with Michael, and Haley even sat still for about half a minute.
Vicki can't hardly sit still, but she did stop to visit with Michael some.
Pam and Deana, who are old family friends of the Munns stopped by and got to meet Michael. They brought presents, and they had some really pretty bows.
I love this picture!
Finally Haley put a bow on her head too, but I think Grandma had much more fun playing with them!
After lunch Vicki, and Alyson took Haley on a walk, and were going to climb on the huge tree at the entrance to the neighborhood, but Haley didn't quite make it. She fell asleep in the stroller and Vicki walked the rest of the way hunched over to keep the stroller leaned back, so Haley's head wasn't hanging down all wobbly.
We learned our lesson though, and didn't try to move her. We let her lean against the steps and she slept for another 20 minutes or so and only woke up when jets starting flying directly overhead. She didn't miss a beat though and woke up saying, "it's another one, there's another airplane."
Haley and Alyson have become good friends and Haley will even say "Alyson" now instead of calling her "that one".
Here's a picture of my sweet girl just hanging out in the carseat on the way home. It was a really great trip and the kids did great.
