While Mike and Justin were putting the grill together to cook lunch. Haley played around on the dock with Alyson and Vicki. The tide was going out (I think) and you could see a bunch of crabs in the mud.
Haley came running back into the house and said "Mama, Grandaddy's got crabs!" Vicki got a cup and went to catch a crab for Haley.
Haley was very excited to look at in the cup. They even got a piece of grass to put in the cup, so it would have something to eat.
"See it Mama, right dere in dat corner, see it?"
Then Daddy came to look at it and took it out of the cup. Haley was not so excited about it then - she said "I. Don't. Want. That. Crab. Put. It. Back."
She was keeping an eye on her Daddy to make sure that crab went back in the mud and didn't get any closer to her!
