Haley sleeps with a ton of stuffed animals on her bed. She likes to call them her friends or her animals and is on a kick where she likes to bring most of her friends all over the house with her.
When she wakes up in the morning she'll bring one animal into our room and say "Mama, I'll be right back, I gotta get more animals" Then she brings in a bunch of animals one by one. She'll hand them to me to put on the bed, and sometimes if I hold one for too long she'll say "No mama not hold it, put on your bed".
Then she'll climb on the bed and rearrange all her friends so that she has "my spot". Usually we get all settled and then about 2 minutes later Michael will wake up, and we'll have to move all her animals to the couch.
And just to record them for the future these babies all have names. There is purple baby, yellow baby, little baby, chubby baby, big baby, little yellow baby, naked baby, and Brittany. Brittany is a Little MissMatched doll, that Haley recieved as a big sister gift and she came already named.
