The whole reason we went to Beaufort was to take Haley to the Air Show. It was a bit hotter than we would have liked, but it wasn't too bad in the shade. We got there around 11:00 and got to see the opening parachuters while we were standing in line at security. We finally got settled and Michael was ready to eat once we got set up. Then he was pretty happy in his little ear muffs.
Haley was completely in her element with her hot pink ear muffs, Barbie sunglasses, and red sno-cone.
I don't know which act this was, but it simulated an attack and shot things and started a fire.
There were some skytypers that wrote all kinds of things, which was pretty neat.
Once some of the first acts landed they drove the planes to the middle of the crowds, so Haley got to look at them up close.
During a quieter part we took Michael's ear muffs off and he fell asleep and slept for the rest of the time we were there, the whole way back to the car, and all the way back to the house too!
Haley really liked some of the planes and would occasionally yell out "Look Mama, an airplane, see it? See it?". But mostly she enjoyed sitting in "her" big chair under the umbrella eating some snacks. She couldn't see some of the show because she didn't want to move, but she seemed to enjoy her little spot.
The Red Bull helicopter was pretty neat - I had no idea a helicopter could go upside down and do flips like that.
Haley found another use for her earmuffs when it wasn't too loud.
Our little set-up, including the $30 umbrella we bought there, which was completely worth it for the shade that it provided.
Haley did pay attention to the crowd and stopped whatever she was doing, so she could clap with the rest of the audience.
We left around 2:30, and missed the Blue Angels, but we thought beating the traffic would be worth it, plus we got to see some of their stuff during practice the day before. After we got home and already had Haley and Michael bathed and taking a nap, when we heard them flying overhead, we knew that we made the right decision. It was a lot of work to go (mostly carrying all the stuff that two kids require), but we all enjoyed it and maybe next year we'll get to stay until the end.
