Tuesday morning we headed over to the Munn's house to spend the day with Grandma and Vicki. It was the first time they got to meet Michael. We got there around 10:00 and Grandma took over Michael right away!

Vicki had heard about Haley loving to find eggies, so there was an Easter basket, eggs, and a ton of candy. Of course Grandma and Vicki cooked a wonderful lunch and Haley got there right in time to help make the banana pudding - which she really liked, especially when she got to lick the spoon!

After lunch Vicki took Haley on a walk in her stroller, thinking that she might fall asleep, but Haley had other plans and pushed the stroller the whole time. When they got back though, Vicki got Haley to sit with her and she eventually fell asleep for about 20 mins.

Grandma did some more snuggling with Michael while I got to take a little nap too.

I tried to get Haley to lay down for a little longer, and I'm not sure how, but Vicki managed to get a hold of Michael for a few minutes!

Alyson and Matthew were making their first cross-country trip to move back home and they got there early afternoon. Haley was shy at first, but once all the candy and sweet tea kicked in she put on quite a show.

It was really great to spend such a relaxing day with everyone, and I am so blessed that I married into such a great family. I truly feel like I am a part of the family and not just an "in-law".