I turned 32 on Saturday, and Justin surprised me with a cake Thursday night. He showed it to Haley before they brought it in to me and she said "that's a happy birthday party right dere." We headed up to Columbia Friday night, for our first trip with two kids. We were in 2 cars since Justin was coming back Sunday for a work trip. The trip started out great and Michael slept for over 3 hours. We finally stopped for dinner at a McDonalds in Thomson, GA and I promptly locked the keys in the car. Luckily, I had already gotten both kids and the diaper bag out of the car. So we had a longish stop while we waited for AAA to come unlock the van, but we were kept busy with a blow out from Michael and "a big ole stinky" from Haley. So it was an interesting start, but eventually we made it to Granny's house.
Saturday morning Justin and Haley went over to Grandma's to meet Grandaddy before heading up to Clemson for the spring game. Mike sent me a couple of pictures from his phone to document their day.

Meanwhile my Dad, Michael, and I were headed to the Carolina spring game to meet Sara. I wore Michael in a wrap, and it was really hot. He was perfect and slept the whole time, only moving when Marcus Lattimore was given his National Freshman of the Year trophy.

We stayed for an hour or so and then went to get something to eat and watch some of the Masters coverage. Sara finally got to hold Michael and get a good look at him, and then it was time for him to eat. And yes, I am nursing my baby, in a bar, with a drink in my hand, but it was my birthday so I'm entitled right?

Justin left for Albany Sunday morning and Pops came over to play. Sara and Eric had a wedding shower to attend, so Dad and I watched all 4 kids for about 7 hours that afternoon - which was pretty tiring!

Pops started training for a new job Monday morning, but was at Granny's in the evenings to help me with dinner, bath, and bed time since I wasn't quite up to having 2 kids by myself all week. Here's a couple of pictures from sometime during the week.

Tuesday we spent the day at Grandma's and picked up a cheeseburger on the way home. When we got there Haley decided that her cheeseburger was "coldy" and she was going to heat it up in her oven. She walked away with her cheeseburger and this is what she brought back!

I had a great birthday weekend and really enjoyed seeing family and friends throughout the following week. And Justin surprised me with tickets to the PGA championship in Atlanta and reservations at the Melting Pot! So I am really excited about my kid free birthday present weekend in August!!