We didn't really play up the Easter bunny much this year, but Haley got a few books from Grandma and Aunt Vicki with Peter Rabbit and Peter Cottontail. So we told her a couple of times that the Easter bunny might come and bring her some chocolate "eggies." Then the night before Easter we talked about the meaning of Easter and then I said the Easter bunny might be coming tonight and she said "noooo, he's on the bunny trail."
But he did come and leave baskets for Haley and Michael.
Haley got lots of chocolate and candy and some tools, because she loves to play with tools at our neighbor's house so she can "work on stuff."
We didn't get a picture of Michael with his basket, since he was eating breakfast at the time.
The Easter bunny also hid some eggs, which is something Haley loves to do.
So she rounded up all the "eggies" and then we took turns hiding and finding them for the rest of the day!
