These days we are getting used to this sight. We are getting used to sleep deprivation, lots of dirty little clothes, some crying, sharing attention and affection, and being a family of four.
Michael is doing well, he is finally gaining weight. We went to see the lactation consultant when he was 5 days old, because we wanted to make sure we were starting off on the right foot. Everything went great - he weighed 8 lbs, which is right at the 7% weight loss that is ok. And he drank 1.7 ounces, which was good for such a young baby.
We went back the next week and things did not go as well. He had only gained 1 ounce during the week and only drank 1.3 ounces while we were there. So although it wasn't my first choice, we decided to start supplementing with some formula. I know it's the right thing to do and it will make things easier on all of us, I'm just a little disappointed, because I thought things were going better this time.
Things are going great with Haley being a big sister. She loves Michael, she loves to kiss him, and loves to figure out where he is sleeping in the morning (sometimes it's his bassinet, sometimes it's in the boppy on our bed). We've tried to put him in the swing a couple of times and although he's not crazy about it, Haley likes to push him.
She's been really good at entertaining herself when I have to nurse him, and she's very helpful about getting diapers, blankets, and all that kind of stuff for me when I ask her.
The one bad thing is that she likes him so much she always wants to wake him up. She'll sing "Michael, wake up, it's time to play." So sometimes when we take her to school in the morning she gets so excited that she gets to wake him up and take off "his covers."
She still likes to hold him and Justin helped her hold him "on my shoulder", which she really loved. Until he started sucking on her arm anyway!
We went back to the lactation consultant yesterday and Michael weighed 8 lbs 11 ounces. So he gained 10 ounces in one week with getting 3-5 ounces of formula a day. So glad to see him growing!
