We are so lucky and blessed that everything went so smoothly and we had another short hospital stay. We were in L&D until around 10:00 and got in some Mommy/Daddy/Michael bonding time and a really good first nursing session before going upstairs and dealing with the ball of energy known as Haley.

Upstairs after seeing Haley, everyone left to get some lunch and some sleep, so it was just me and my little man. They brought me lunch and although I tried to nurse Michael several times, he just wouldn't stay awake. So I decided to get some sleep too.
Michael had really long fingernails and quickly scratched his face up.
Grandaddy got into town early Saturday afternoon and went to the house first. Haley was getting up from her nap, so Justin, Grandaddy and Haley came back up to the hospital.
The rest of the day is kind of a blur, but there was some dinner, some more visiting and finally bed time. Michael was really good, he finally nursed really well again sometime that night, was having dirty diapers and was mostly sleeping. (compared to Haley who cried most of that first night)Here's Michael chilling after his circumcision - and he finally had a wet diaper!
Daddy getting Michael dressed on Sunday morning with Haley wanting to be a part of everything.
All ready to go home!
Playing with my girl while waiting to be discharged.
Michael chilling with Granny, while still waiting to be discharged.
And finally at about lunch time on Sunday we were on our way home!
