All of the Hollars came to visit this weekend. They brought the leftover cupcakes from Pop's birthday celebration and the kids started asking about them before breakfast on Saturday morning. We made them wait until 9:30 before it was cupcake time. Notice the amount of mess in relation to age in these pictures.

We went to the playground at Chehaw once we all got up and ready and the kids had a good time. Michael stayed in his stroller and slept most of the time and the "big" kids climbed and played on the swings and slides.

When we were headed back to the cars to go out for lunch, Haley discovered these blocks. She climbed up and then said "hold my two hands" so that she could get help jumping down. Anna and Daniel wanted to climb on them too.
They had a good time with the ball pit again and at some point decided to throw all the balls out. You can see them in the background of this picture.
We had a great time, and although some might call it chaos, it's really fun to watch the kids play together, and to visit with Sara and Eric once the kids are in bed!
I know it won't be long until Michael is big enough to play and there's 4 crazy kids running around!
