Around 7:00, after my parents had spent a little time with us I thought someone needed to go home, so that Haley wasn't too freaked out when she woke up with Mark and Terry Lynn there. The timing worked out perfectly because she was just waking up when Granny and Pops got to the house. So they got to tell her the news that she had a baby brother and that they would be coming to the hospital to see us and meet "baby Michael".
So after getting a little rest and maybe showers and new clothes they were headed back to the hospital. We were being moved up to the Mother/Baby floor, and Michael was taken to the nursery for his bath and to be measured and all that stuff.
So when Haley got to my room she ran in and said Hi Mama - where's baby Michael? So after a quick hug and kiss for me, Justin took her down the hall to look at Michael through the window.
She was very interested, but torn between getting down and running around the hall too. So they came back to the room and we gave Haley a Wonderpets book and a Mickey Mouse Pez dispenser as presents from Michael. Just as she was finishing the 2nd pack of Pez the nurse brought Michael back from the nursery.
I held him while Haley gave him a very thorough inspection and pointed out all his body parts for everyone.
Then she gave him the first of many kisses and wanted to hold him.
We got her all situated and put him in her lap and after about 0.2 seconds she said "I'm stuck, he's heaby."
She held him several times during the next hour or so, but each time was probably less than a minute. But she was able to get a closer look and said "Got tongue"
She was very excited to meet him and wasn't worried about seeing me in the hospital bed at all. I was also very impressed with how easily she left me. Justin went home shortly after Haley got there to try to get some sleep. Around lunch time Granny and Pops were going to take Haley to get a cheeseburger and then home for nap time. I was telling her the lunch plan and she said "Haley go bye-bye" and I said yes, so she gave me a kiss and said Bye Mommy and walked to the door to wait on Granny and Pops. I'm so proud of how well she handled everything, but also a little sad at how grown up she is!
