I had my 38 week appointment yesterday and had an ultrasound because I am worried that this baby is much bigger than Haley was. And the ultrasound showed that I was right! Baby measured in at 8 lbs 5 oz! The femur length was in the 92% for size, so it looks like this baby might be long too.
We took Haley with us, so that she could get a chance to see me laying on the table as a patient and thought she might get something out of seeing the baby on the screen. She watched the ultrasound for a few minutes, but it was pretty hard to see what everything was, so then she started looking at other stuff around the room. She has talked about Mommy laying on the pillow and getting jelly on my belly and watching a baby sister movie so I guess that's about all she got out of it.
The baby was moving and grooving as usual and had a hand up by the face. We told the tech that we didn't get a good picture of the baby's face the whole pregnancy, so she switched to 4D and was able to get a great look at the face. We could see him/her moving the hand in front of the face and scrunching up the lips too. This baby certainly looks chunky and looks mad too!
I was 1 cm dilated, with a very soft cervix, so based on that and on the baby's size we have scheduled to be induced Sunday night! Justin and I will report to the hospital around 8:00 and I'll get a cervix softener at night and then get started on pitocin Monday morning. I am really excited that we get to meet this sweet babe in just a few days and will finally know if it's a boy doing karate or a girl doing gymnastics in there!
We took Haley with us, so that she could get a chance to see me laying on the table as a patient and thought she might get something out of seeing the baby on the screen. She watched the ultrasound for a few minutes, but it was pretty hard to see what everything was, so then she started looking at other stuff around the room. She has talked about Mommy laying on the pillow and getting jelly on my belly and watching a baby sister movie so I guess that's about all she got out of it.
The baby was moving and grooving as usual and had a hand up by the face. We told the tech that we didn't get a good picture of the baby's face the whole pregnancy, so she switched to 4D and was able to get a great look at the face. We could see him/her moving the hand in front of the face and scrunching up the lips too. This baby certainly looks chunky and looks mad too!
