We had our final visitor this here this weekend, with Suebella wanting to get some good one on one time with Haley before the baby comes. She brought some sidewalk chalk and Haley really enjoyed it.
Haley actually drew the "H" and the "Y" in this picture. The "Y" was kind of by accident, but then she recognized it right away. And the "H" was on purpose!
Suebella and Haley trying to get an ant.
The weather was gorgeous all weekend, so we headed to Chehaw to enjoy the outdoors once again. Haley was very excited about the frogs and snakes again, and excited to show off the animals to Suebella.
It's a rhino! See? See? See it?
Haley was gracious enough to pose in front of the alligators.
They had the fish food out this weekend, so we fed some turtles and fish and then a couple of the smaller alligators came over. This little guy swam right up to a turtle and then snapped at it right it front of us. We all gasped and then saw the turtle swimming away. It was crazy, we really thought for a second that the alligator had just gobbled up a turtle right in front of us!
We had a great weekend with Suebella and I know Haley really enjoyed it!
