We took Haley on a tour of the hospital, so she would hopefully be more comfortable there when the baby comes. She had a good time walking around the Labor & Delivery room.
She was very impressed with the hats and medicine that were in the drawers under the baby's bed, but she seemed very concerned that the bed didn't have a pillow for me. We assured her that I could bring my own pillow, or get some from the hospital.
She got to check out a couple of babies in the nursery.
She was much happier with the bed on the Mother/Baby floor since it had pillows and covers. Although she wasn't happy that we wouldn't let her climb on the bed.
We let her sit in the chair where she'll get to hold her baby sister/brother, and she was impressed that there was a tv up on the wall. And of course her eyelashes are impressive as usual, and now her hair is long enough for a little curl by her ear!
And one of our last pictures as a family of three!
