Grandaddy came to visit this weekend, and Haley had a great time playing with him. Whenever we talk about Grandaddy Haley always talks about him having pigs, chickens, and kitty cats. We told her he was coming by himself just to see Haley. And she started saying Grandaddy come see Haley, big hug! He did end up bringing her a stuffed pig, and she's slept with it every night since then.
We just hung out at home Friday afternoon and Mike got to see Haley and all her dance moves in person. And we got to hear Haley say "Grandaddy come here" instead of Mommy or Daddy come here. Haley really like showing off her room and had a good time with Grandaddy.
We went to Chehaw Saturday morning and Haley and the guys played outside in the gorgeous weather Saturday afternoon (I may or may not have snuck in a little nap). I didn't take any pictures until Sunday morning and it may look like Mike tackled Haley, but she really was enjoying it!
We had a great time with Mike and Haley really enjoyed having her Grandaddy come visit and she was pretty good about giving him "big hugs" and a few kisses too!
