Justin got a new gun this weekend, and a friend of his got a new gun as well, so Sunday afternoon we took advantage of the great weather and went over to Mark's house to practice shooting. Last time Haley over to Mark's with Daddy she got a cheeseburger for dinner on the way home. So after the first few shots went off Haley said "cheeseburger, I want cheeseburger." It was like it was her safe word or something! But after a few minutes she wasn't really scared at all.
We tried to get her to wear the ear muffs, but that didn't last too long.
She covered her ears some, but for the most part either Daddy or I would cover her ears.
The guys ended up shooting some skeet too, and Haley had a good time collecting the ones that they missed.
Sitting with Daddy, watching Chris shoot some skeet.
Going with Mr. Mark to find the "orange" that was on the ground.
I love my little redneck girl in the making.
