Dance Party

Nick Jr is just about the only TV we let Haley watch, and they have a Move to the Music segment every hour. There are a few songs that Haley just loves and will request these songs a lot. So we like to have a little dance party a few times a week and let Haley burn off some energy before bed. Here's a few songs from last night's dance party. Her first favorite is 5 Days Old, but she calls it Jump, and you'll see why, but she really likes it when Daddy does this one with her.

The newest favorite is the Monster Boogie.

And the finale was the Shake-a-rama.

She really loves to dance/jump/bounce on our bed and so far she's only fallen off once!


Jess said…
Oh Jill, those videos are priceless, I love it! I can't believe how grown up she is getting!