We had some last minute weekend visitors this past weekend. Sara, Granny, Anna, and Daniel decided on Thursday to see if they could come visit us for the weekend. And even after being up most of the night Thursday and a trip to the doctor for Anna for an ear infection, they ended up leaving Columbia around 7:00 Friday night. They got down here shortly after midnight and it was about 2:00 before we all got in bed - which is as late as I've been up in quite a long time!
We were up and playing around 8:00 Saturday morning and the kids had a good time. It was really nice to have all kinds of toys in Haley's room, and she did such a good job sharing everything with her cousins! The kids ended up having Rice Krispies, bananas and oranges for lunch Saturday, and had a pretty good time sitting at the table together.
It didn't seem like nap time was long enough, and soon enough Haley, Justin and I went to a birthday party. We came back as everyone else was leaving to get dinner, so Anna stayed with us and the girls had a blast chasing bubbles. After dinner it was time for pjs, and then Granny wanted to try to get a picture with all three grandkids.
I didn't get any good pictures, but I think this one is pretty priceless!
Sunday morning we brought out the ballpit and the kids had a great time playing together.
They didn't really even fight about anything while playing in there.
And we got to laugh at how the static electricity made their hair stand up! We also played outside for just a little bit. Anna was scared at first, but eventually jumped a few times on the trampoline, and Daniel loved the swing.
Haley is usually pretty sensitive about Daniel playing with her stuff, but she actually shared books and her Elmo seat with him before the weekend was over!
I think our visitors drove for about 11 hours total and were here for a quick 36 hours, but we had a really good time. It was fun to see how well the kids played together and I was really proud of how well Haley shared all her things!
