With Baby #2 due in March, we decided it was time to move Haley into a big girl bed in a new room. We are leaving the nursery pretty much how it is now and wanted to give Haley some time in her new space before the baby took over her old room and crib. We picked out the bedding we wanted and bought that around Thanksgiving. Then we took the queen size bed that was in Haley's room to Mike's new house in Beaufort. And when my mom was down for Haley's birthday, we worked hard to get the room cleaned out and cleaned. We pretty much had to clean the room out again after all of Haley's Christmas and birthday stuff ended up in there, but we got it cleaned out and Justin painted it between football games on New Year's Day.
We didn't originally want a pink room, but after looking at the colors in the bedding we decided pink was the best choice. And to break up the pink color Justin had a great idea of painting a border with butterflies and flowers, which are on her bedding. Haley was a great help in putting tape up to mark the border area. Can you guess which pieces she put up?
We spent the next week buying the bed and getting it set up, getting some shelves and cubbies and getting them put together and set up.
We also bought a chest of drawers for the closet and moved her clothes in there. And we moved most of her toys in there and got everything organized.
We still have a couple of things we are working on to put on the walls, and we are getting a valence to put above the window, but all the big stuff is done.
Haley spent some time in her room during that week and helped with shelves and toys and really enjoyed jumping on her bed and we made the big move at nap time on Saturday, January 8th.
Overall, it went really well. She got out of bed the first 3 nights and cried at the door, but I went in and laid down with her for a little while and she stayed in bed when I left with just a little bit of crying. The 4th night she stayed in bed, cried for less than a minute and went to sleep without me having to go back in her room. Then 5th night she didn't cry at all, I was laying down with her and we would sing a few songs and then lay quietly until I left (while she was still awake) to go to my own bed. After exactly one week, at naptime on Saturday I laid down with her and said do you want me to sing or go to my own bed. And she said, "Just go, Mommy". I am really proud that she's so independent and did so well with such a big change, but it still makes me sad that she's not my little baby anymore. I just can't believe how quickly she has grown up!
We didn't originally want a pink room, but after looking at the colors in the bedding we decided pink was the best choice. And to break up the pink color Justin had a great idea of painting a border with butterflies and flowers, which are on her bedding. Haley was a great help in putting tape up to mark the border area. Can you guess which pieces she put up?
