Last Wednesday we left for Beaufort for a long weekend to see Mike's new house and to help to a little shopping with him. The house is absolutely gorgeous, and the view is even better. I can't believe I didn't take any pictures of it, but I'm sure we will be back soon. We did some food and furniture shopping and did some driving around and exploring Beaufort.
Haley loved seeing Grandaddy and got him to read her lots of books before bedtime. We did end up with a couch, and some end tables before we left, so the house looked a little more livable than when we got there.
Haley had a blast shopping for furniture and loved running around Lowes too. I think now when we say we are going "shopping" she thinks she's going to get to run around and climb on couches!
Friday morning was kind of chilly, but we went to downtown Beaufort and walked around a little bit. Haley enjoyed the little park that we found and thought it was really fun to try to "get" Grandaddy while she was swinging.
Saturday morning we packed everything up and went to Columbia to spend the day with Pops, Grandmom, and Vicki. We had a really nice visit, and Haley was very entertaining. We went over to Granny's for dinner and to spend the night. The Hollars came over and the kids of course had a great time playing.
There was lots of jumping and bouncing on the bed.
There was some great bonding between the cousins.
We tried to get a couple of Christmas card worthy pictures, but that never quite worked out.
This one was a contender, but Haley was just too far away from the tree.
The kids did pretty well with the "one finger" rule, but here someone told Haley she could use two fingers and she got a little confused!
Near the end of the night Sara was on her hands and knees picking up toys or clothes or something, and Anna decided to stand on her calves and read a book on Sara's back. It's always entertaining to see what these kids get into together!
We had a great time in Beaufort and we're really glad to help Mike get some things done at the house. We are also incredibly thankful that we had a day to spend with Pops, and then got to fit in a visit with the Stuerke family too!
