We put together a gingerbread house this weekend, which is something we think will be a new family tradition. The kit started out in pieces, and Justin put it together.
Haley did pretty well with decorating and being patient waiting for the frosting to dry.
She was curious about the candy, but didn't really try to eat too much of it...
until we got to the M&Ms. This girl loves chocolate!
Then she pretty much ate the candy, while I tried to put it on the house so she couldn't eat it all!
Here's the finished product...which lasted all of two days. This afternoon I was packing stuff up to go to Columbia for Christmas and it was kind of quiet for a few minutes. I went to look for Haley and found that she had pulled out a dining room chair (which we never go in the dining room), and pulled the gingerbread house over to the side of the table and was pulling the M&Ms off to eat them!
