We took the kids to the Lights Before Christmas at Riverbanks Zoo again this year. The Hollars, Pops and Haley and I had a good time looking at the lights. It wasn't too cold, and Haley was pretty excited to see Anna and Daniel.
Haley didn't have any interest in sitting with Santa Claus this year, so she ran around and played while we waited for some friends to go through the line.
Anna and Haley ran around together pushing strollers and chasing each other around the trees. Eric actually said he could find us by listening for their giggles.
Haley actually had bronchitis and wasn't supposed to be running around in the cold, so as soon as she started coughing we had to corral her and get her and Anna in the wagon to start our tour of the zoo.
Since Daniel can't really talk yet he got put in the umbrella stroller so the girls could ride together. He didn't seem to mind too much though!
There were a couple of upset kids at one time or another, but for the most part the kids were all well behaved and had a good time.
Pops got this cool picture from the other side of the rabbit cage - while Eric was trying to reach Daniel's shoe which he lost inside the cage
Haley's doctor did say to cover her mouth with a scarf if we were out in the cold, and we were able to do that for a few minutes at least, and she looks pretty cute like this I think!
