We had a very small get together for Haley's 2nd birthday. Granny came down on Thursday to help clean out Haley's new room, and she and Haley hung out eating a snack before Haley's "party" on Saturday.
Daddy and Haley being silly.
Our friends Sam and Kim, and their little boy Lathan came over to help us celebrate.
Haley really got into opening presents. She would rip all the paper off, look at it for about 2 seconds, if it was clothes or shoes or something that wasn't a toy she tossed it aside and got another one and said open this one.
If it was a toy though she would want to open it immediately and was very impatient with how long it takes to work through all the packaging.
Lathan was interested in the presents too, and Haley did a pretty good job of sharing with him. Cricket and Scooter wanted to be in the middle of the action too.
We got Haley a bean bag to go in her new room and she was very excited about it. A couple weeks before we had taken her shopping to look at beds and she saw a row of bean bags at the store. She sat in every single one and then tried to drag one around with us, so we knew we had to get her one.
Lathan enjoyed jumping on the bean bag too!
They also really liked that ball pit from Suebella. It took forever to blow up, but they had a really good time in it!
I can't believe my sweet baby girl is 2 Years Old!
We had a yummy catfish stew for lunch and the kids had chicken nuggets, green beans and applesauce.
We finished off with some cake and ice cream and then it was about nap time for two tired little kiddos.
It's so hard to believe that Haley is 2! I can't believe how much she's grown up, and she seems so mature now. I never knew that I could love someone as much as I love this sweet little girl! I still can't believe that she's mine!
