We went to the local pumpkin patch this afternoon and had a decent time. There was a band playing when we first got there, so it was kind of loud and a little intimidating to Haley. We had her stand by the big pumpkin sign first.
Then we tried to get a picture on the tractor, but she wasn't too thrilled with sitting up there by herself.
We let her pick out "Haley's pumpkin" and she was very excited to carry it around with her for awhile.
We also tried to get some pictures in the middle of the pumpkins, but she was definitely more interested in looking around and getting up than posing for pictures.
We did play on the playground for a little while and Haley really liked the big girl swings, but she was still pretty interested in what all the other kids were doing.
We walked around the sunflower fields and tried to get some more pictures, but Haley was only interested in the flowers for a few very short minutes.
Then she started struggling to get down and run around - which is pretty much the only thing she wanted to do.
So we got some ice cream to settle her down and then called it a day. It was definitely a different trip this year with such an active toddler as compared to last year when she wasn't walking yet.
