We met Grandaddy at the zoo today and Haley had a great time. We saw and fed pretty much all the animals and ran around a lot. We fed the birds once before Justin's dad got there and it went pretty well. Haley was fine and I held it together pretty well too. Haley even touched a bird (see video at bottom of post). 
We also fed the giraffes and Haley really liked that. There was one that was pretty aggressive, but everything went fine.
Feeding the goats was probably Haley's favorite animal interaction. Even though there was one that was kind of a bully to the other goats, Haley had a good time.
Of course Haley spent a lot of time pointing at all the animals.
We went back to feed the birds again when Grandaddy got there and it was a little traumatic! I don't like birds and Haley really didn't like it when one landed on her head. So I had to put aside my fears and be the adult to help Haley settle down. But here's the video from the first time feeding the birds.
