We made the trip to Columbia this weekend and spent Saturday at the lake with Subella and her family. We had a great time with all the kids and with Justin's family that night. Haley of course loved the water and did really well for not having a nap until late afternoon. Haley, Sophia, and me in the water.
Arrie was jealous of everyone riding the jet skis and she convinced Toby to take her for a ride. She had a blast and it was really fun watching her enjoy herself so much!
Haley learned real quickly that Arrie would share anything that she was eating. She actually kept trying to give Haley coke too, but I wouldn't let her!
Tara and Eric enjoying the lake
It was a gorgeous day and the water felt great.
Haley waving to Daddy with all the "Munn girls" in the water.
All of the big kids swimming.
And a group shot - had most of the group, but I think we were missing a couple people.
You can't see, but this was the first day that Haley wore her big sister shirt. We let her show Subella and everyone else that she is going to be a big sister in March. I was about 8 weeks along and it was really fun to be able to tell people in person this time!