We started celebrating Independence Day Friday afternoon by heading out to the Marine Base. The weather was absolutely gorgeous and we didn't even really get sweaty - which is about a miracle in July in Albany Georgia!
We did some hanging out and some snacking, and Haley got to try her first funnel cake. She liked to lick the powdered sugar off, but ended up eating some of the dough too.
Haley went on a wagon ride with Janelle and her cousins, and then she shared some crackers with Nick.
We checked out the service dog show, which Haley enjoyed. She liked being short enough to just walk through all the people and get a spot right on the fence where she could bark at the dogs.
Most of all Haley like running around in the wide open spaces. It's really nice that our friends like Haley so much and love to play with her too, so we got a break from chasing her every now and then.
Of course we had to bring a "baby" with us and Haley borrowed someone's blanket, so her baby could go "nigh, nigh". Then somehow the blanket ended up on her head and she thought she was something special showing off for everyone.
We made it back to our seats when the fireworks started and Haley had to keep moving so she wouldn't fall asleep, but I think she enjoyed the show. She was up about 2 hours past her bedtime and was really well behaved, so we all had a great time celebrating our nation's independence and our freedom.
Haley grabbed the ball at one point and every time there was a loud noise she would raise the ball and say "boom" in time with the fireworks. I'm pretty sure it was just another tactic to help her stay awake though.