We stayed at the Ocean Reef Resort and they had several great pools. The lazy river and two big pools were heated and the water felt wonderful. The weather was a little cold, but when we were in the water it felt really good.
Haley absolutely loved the water! She would splash and laugh and squeal. She had her own little float and we could have just set her in the lazy river and she would have been perfectly happy going around all by herself.
The pools were all saltwater and she would taste the water and say "mmmmmm". There was one part of the lazy river that went under a bridge and water came down into the river and she would look up and try to catch it in her mouth. She loved going around the river with her daddy.
Friday afternoon was finally warm enough to play on the beach. So Sara, Mom and I took Anna down and Justin and Eric stayed upstairs while Haley and Daniel napped. Once the kids woke up they joined us on the sand.
We got a couple of pictures with the ocean in the background and our hair in our faces and then we headed back to the pools.
Sara brought Anna and Daniel down on Wednesday afternoon and then Granny and Eric came down Thursday morning. Here's a picture of us girls playing in the pool.
Anna had a good time in the pool, but wasn't crazy about the lazy river where the water came down from the bridge and got in her face.
Daniel loved the water! He would splash and laugh and had a real good time. We were quite a sight going around the lazy river all together.
Haley is definitely a little water baby!!
