Mike was the first visitor we had at our condo and he took us to Ripley's Aquarium. Haley wanted to be carried a lot and he was more than happy to oblige. She grunted and pointed to all kinds of things and her Grandad took her around to see anything that she wanted.
She made her fish sound just about the whole time we were there - I know her jaw must have been sore by the time we left.
We went right after breakfast and were one of the first groups there, so we had the fishies and the sharks all to ourselves.
It was a good thing we went early too, because on our way out a couple of field trip groups had shown up and there were about 100 4th graders waiting to go in and I think they would have really cramped our style.
So we decided to walk a little bit on the boardwalk and feed the fish and ducks before we left.