I've been trying to deny it and trying to ignore, but my baby seems to be growing up right before my eyes. Over Mother's Day weekend I finally turned Haley's carseat to face the front. She's been big enough and heavy enough since December, but after my wreck I decided to leave her rear facing for as long as possible.
The past couple of weeks had really been a battle to get her in the car. She would arch her back, she would struggle, she would cry, she would stick her legs straight out against the seat, so I'd had enough of feeling like a fool. These pictures are from her first ride forward facing. She got in without a fight and even said "weeeeee" the whole way to school. The next few days she even ran to the car and tried to climb in each morning!
Another grown up thing we've started doing recently is "brushing" Haley's teeth (she has 12) each night before bed. She's chewed on a toothbrush some in the past, but we started doing it in her bathroom every night with toothpaste. And Haley loves it!
She'll "brush" some and then put her toothbrush under the faucet (even though the water is off) and then brush some more. She actually throws a fit when we make her stop. She seriously stomps her feet and then lays down on the floor and cries because she wants to keep eating her toothpaste brushing her teeth. Although I don't imagine this will always be a problem!
Daddy was showing her what to do.
And here is a gratutious shot of the eyelashes! Lucky Girl!!
The past couple of weeks had really been a battle to get her in the car. She would arch her back, she would struggle, she would cry, she would stick her legs straight out against the seat, so I'd had enough of feeling like a fool. These pictures are from her first ride forward facing. She got in without a fight and even said "weeeeee" the whole way to school. The next few days she even ran to the car and tried to climb in each morning!