With three kids and three different naps schedules it was quite an ordeal to get ready and leave the condo at a certain time, so we had some down time at the condo too. Here's a picture of Anna looking just like her mama.
Haley wasn't sure what to think about eating some of Anna's cereal with milk.
Haley was telling us some kind of interesting story here.
Pops tried to get a few pictures of the three kids together which is quite a task with a 3 yr old, a 16 month old, and a 7 month old. This is the best one - which is actually pretty good.
Usually we'd have two kids looking at the camera and one that was distracted, but here all three were busy.
Haley learned a new word while we were gone and she became obsessed with babies. Any child under the age of 5 that was with their mother was a "baby". So she was delighted when Daniel got there and she had a real live baby to play with, even though Daniel is just about her size!
Here's a good shot of Anna looking pretty.
Here's a good one of Daniel chilling in his stroller.
Haley and Anna in the bath after swimming.
Granny and Daniel chilling before bedtime.
Granny with the three kids before bedtime - Haley was definitely ready for bed - can you tell?
