Justin and I have a tradition of making a special breakfast on Valentine's Day. Last year he cooked heart shaped waffles with strawberries and whipped cream. This year I decided to make chocolate chip pancakes.

I got up with Haley, and my Mom, who was visiting for the weekend, entertained Haley while I cooked and let Justin sleep late. When it was getting close, we pulled Haley's high chair up to the stove so she could see what was going on and she was really excited about it.

Haley got the first pancake and she wasn't too sure about it to start with. After a couple of bites though, she decided that she liked it and didn't waste any time with the rest of it.

As soon as she was done and cleaned up she was banging on our bedroom door wanting to go see her Daddy, so we took him a couple heart shaped pancakes for breakfast in bed. It's fun now that Haley is old enough to start really participating in some of our traditions!