We've lived in Albany for 4 years now, so it's been at least 5 since I've seen snow. And seeing as how it's been 10 years since it snowed in Albany, I didn't really believe that it would happen, but apparently even the weathermen get it right every once in awhile.

It was raining and sleeting early Friday morning and continued off an on until around 3 pm when it turned to all snow. My mom was visiting for the weekend and she got here safely around 5:00. Justin got home from work around 6:00 and since he had to work on Saturday too, we decided to bundle Haley up and go outside for the little bit of daylight we had left.

Haley usually LOVES to be outside, but she didn't really care for the snow. I carried her out to a spot in the yard that was more snow than mush, but she just stood there. I tried to get her to throw a snowball to Cricket, but she just stared at it.

She walked around a little bit if someone held her hands, but as soon as she was on her own she stopped moving. She hates wearing hats and I don't think she liked the mittens either.

I was just about giddy as the snow was falling and starting to stick. I wasn't getting out of school or work and my mom was on the road, my husband at work, but when you live in the South, there is just something so exciting about snow. So even if Haley wasn't crazy about it, I enjoyed watching it fall, throwing snowballs for Cricket, watching Scooter high step around the yard because his paws were cold, and spending a few minutes with my family enjoying a little winter wonderland.

But I'm really looking forward to this weekend - it's going to be 68 and sunny!