Haley has been very busy lately. She is growing so fast and learning so much. She is into everything! She will walk around the house and pull things out of drawers or cabinets or off tables, or take her toys and walk around with it for awhile. Then when something else catches her eye, she'll drop what she has and trade it in for something new. Our living room has hardwood floors, so we keep most of her toys in our bedroom. These pictures show what it looks like when everything is picked up.
And this is what it looks like when Haley goes down for her morning nap. Which is usually only about 2 hours after she wakes up.
And she also likes to "explore" our bathroom too. Here's the before and after pictures, but this was only a time lapse of about 5 minutes. And, yes my child proofing consists of putting the Drano and the scrubbing bubbles on the counter where Haley can't reach them.
And since I know no one is interested in a post that doesn't have pictures of Hurricane Haley, here is a short video of how she flops on her Elmo chair.
