Since the kids all loved the light parade in Silver Dollar City, we decided to brave the cold and the crowds and take them all to the Lights Before Christmas at Riverbanks Zoo. Mom, Haley and I got there pretty early and the line for Santa wasn't long at all, so we took Haley to see him. She did really good and didn't cry at all - of course she didn't look at the camera, but she sat in his lap without any problems.

After we were done the Hollars got there and Anna said she wanted to see Santa. Since the line was still really short we stood in it again to let Anna and Haley sit up there together. The plan was after a quick picture for me to take Haley, so we could get one of just Anna, but Anna got cold feet at the last minute.

Then we got the girls all stapped in and bundled up in the wagon and Daniel was all warm and snuggly in the stroller and off we went. The girls liked looking at the lights and the people and Anna liked to shout out what everything was. Haley really liked it when we got to parts that had music playing. She would "dance" and bounce in her seat and try to stand up.

We did the loop around one side of the zoo and ended up back at the front gate and Anna really wanted a glow in the dark thing. So, Granny was nice enough to buy them for Haley and Anna, and they really enjoyed
eating playing with them for the rest of the night. Plus they still looked at the lights (a little bit) and they (barely) managed to not poke each other in the face at all.

The girls enjoying their light swords. You can't tell from this picture, but when Haley was chewing on hers it would light up her cheeks and they'd be glowing from the inside out - it was pretty funny!

And here's a rare picture of me and Haley, although this pose is not rare. Whenever Haley is being held she is always pointing at something going "ooooh, oooooh".