Saturday after Christmas, the three of us and my mom went to the State House to feed the squirrels. I had never heard of doing that before, but Justin used to do it when he was a kid and he thought Haley would enjoy it.

It was pretty cold, but the fresh air was nice. We found a nice bench and threw some peanuts down the sidewalk. We attracted a crowd pretty quickly.

We made our throws shorter and shorter, so that the squirrels had to come closer and closer. Haley could see them on the sidewalk and hear them running around and climbing the trees.

Soon enough there was one brave one that decided to eat straight from Justin's hand. And that gave the rest of them the courage to do it too.

Mom had a couple of them eat out of her hand too.

Haley was ready to get out of the stroller and see if she could feed the squirrels.

She was very interested, but kind of loud, so she didn't have much luck with the squirrels.

So she decided to feed the peanuts to herself!

Haley may have been born in Georgia, but she is really a South Carolina girl at heart, so she enjoyed her first trip to the State House. And it's really fun to do things with her that Justin did when he was a kid.